I don’t know about you, but New Year’s Resolutions have always made me kind of nervous.
Maybe it’s because I know that when you set a goal and write it down, you are twice as likely to achieve it.
Imagine that…just the mere exercise of goal setting gives enables you to actually work toward achieving it! Now, where’s that pen and paper so I can get started? Or (ahem), let me go grab the notepad in my phone?
After finishing out 2013 with modest strides in my goal of Escaping from Living in the Land of Excess, I thought long and hard about where my family and I are right now and where we want to be at the end of 2014. After much prayer, I’ve set the following goals to cover all aspects of my life.
- Share Christ with my kids daily; pray for and with them daily.
- Be present…right here and right now! Not right here, but checking my phone to see what other things distract me from the moment, but right here and now!
- Put my husband first — before outside commitments, my business and even the kids.
- Begin taking vitamins and/or supplements for my health. Consistently. Daily.
- Exercise at least 3 times per week.
- Run my first 5k; do the Couch to 5k program or similar program to get my bootie in gear!
- Enter a Weight Loss Challenge with a goal of losing 25 pounds.
- Read. Finish books I’ve started (I’ll share my list of titles in another post).
- Become debt free by year-end. After going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University through our church a few years ago, we are eager to work toward the “We’re Debt Free” scream with Dave Ramsey (at Financial Peace Plaza, Nashville, Tennessee).
- Increase my blogging presence with at least 2 posts per week at zimpleliving.com. Revise my website logo/design.
- Develop and write the Titus 2 Women’s Corner on Raising a Family under Godly principles. This one is still in concept, but there’s such a need for older, wiser mommies to pass along Godly advice for raising families. Not only will I be “interviewing” Godly women, I will be the first eager recipient of this kind of information!
- BASWGCD goal – This is the Big Audacious See What God Can Do Goal. Asking God to narrow this goal for me to things that I can do alongside raising my kids. This includes developing and implementing new streams of income.
- Kiss fear goodbye! The only way any of the goals listed here can be accomplished is if I put this into practice.
- Stop comparing myself to others. Everyone’s business goals are different. I have to really focus on my path and what I need to do in order to get there.
- Continue to share the message of health and wellness.
- Educate others – teach at least 10 educational classes this year.