Our Personal Story with PGD IVF

While you might be wondering how this story fits in with the whole “Keep It Zimple” theme of my website, trust me when I tell you that this story has everything to do with the person I am today.  We all have personal struggles that make us stronger in life.  This was one of mine.  So if you want the whole story…raw, real, with details and all…then here it is.

You may have found your way here because we’ve chatted about Huntington’s Disease and the possibility of having a child who is HD-free.  I am here to tell you that it is possible and it is worth the journey.  You do not have to go this road alone.  Plug into the many resources and support groups that are out there.  I’ll be your biggest cheerleader, too!  It’s certainly not an easy journey, but no one ever said you’d have to walk it alone.  So, pull up a chair and read the chronicles (below) of how our son came to be.

AND by the way…when you click on the links below – you will be taken to a super old (inactive) blog of mine that I wrote years ago as I was going through this journey.  I used it as a journal, but a journal to the world because I knew there had to be another soul on the planet going through the same thing.  So, if you are here because you are dealing with infertility, disease, or a disorder yourself, then know that you are not alone.  I’m not a doctor or medical professional, so I cannot speak with that authority.  But I am a human being with feelings, who went on this journey and came out the other side a changed person.


Just the Two of Us

The story of a couple


Part 2 of our story

Needles and Hormones

Part 3 of our story

Retrieval and Transfer

Part 4 of our story

Bedrest & Believing

Part 5 of our story


Happy Endings

Whether you read my old blog for the full story or not, I thought it best to tell you how our personal story ended. Or perhaps I should say, how it has just begun!

I realize that not every story of infertility can end this way and I am extremely sensitive to that.  There are many parts of our personal story that I did not include in my online journals that did end a different way.  But this one…the one I chose to write about here – ended with this guy.  My love, my joy, the boy who who made me a mom.  Here he is.


What If…?

I’m not usually a “What If?” kind of person.  And…to date there is no treatment or cure for Huntington’s Disease.  However, what I do “what if” about is, what if I have tools, resources, and remedies to help me through our journey?  I wish we did not have to deal with disease, but what I also wish is that I had then what I have now in calming the chaos and chatter in my head.  I have no idea if this would have changed any part of my journey, but I do believe it certainly would have changed my stress levels and how I responded to things.  It’s no secret I am a user, lover and teacher of essential oils and natural remedies, but I often wonder what it would have been like had I had natural alternatives way back then.

I do believe that ESSENTIAL OILS are one of the BEST TOOLS we can use to SUPPORT OUR HEALTH & WELLNESS and soooooo wish I had these tools in my toolkit back then.

If you would like to have a conversation with me to see how you can incorporate essential oils into your life, then please shoot me an email at zimpleliving@gmail dot com. I’m happy to pop a care package in the mail to you and share with you what we use now in our daily lives.  If you would rather poke around a bit before we jump on the line, then feel free to go here.